Use Cases ========= The following technical use cases describe the component and system interactions in the DataONE infrastructure. The use cases describe functionality to address the broader scope user scenarios and overall project requirements. Object Discovery, Access, Creation, Modification ------------------------------------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 UseCases/01_uc UseCases/02_uc UseCases/04_uc UseCases/05_uc UseCases/11_uc UseCases/24_uc UseCases/29_uc UseCases/33_uc UseCases/34_uc UseCases/35_uc UseCases/36_uc UseCases/37_uc UseCases/38_uc UseCases/42_uc Synchronization and Replication ------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 UseCases/06_uc UseCases/08_uc UseCases/09_uc UseCases/35_uc UseCases/37_uc UseCases/40_uc User and System Authentication and Access Control ------------------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 UseCases/12_uc UseCases/13_uc UseCases/14_uc UseCases/15_uc UseCases/31_uc UseCases/32_uc System and Content Integrity ---------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 UseCases/03_uc UseCases/10_uc UseCases/23_uc UseCases/24_uc UseCases/25_uc UseCases/26_uc UseCases/27_uc UseCases/29_uc UseCases/30_uc UseCases/35_uc UseCases/37_uc UseCases/39_uc Logging, Reporting, and Notification ------------------------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 UseCases/16_uc UseCases/17_uc UseCases/18_uc UseCases/19_uc UseCases/20_uc UseCases/21_uc UseCases/28_uc UseCases/30_uc ---- Sequential List of Functional Use Cases --------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: UseCases/??_uc ---- About Use Cases --------------- An important early part in the process of system architecture is identifying the functional requirements that the resulting system should be able to address. Use cases are helpful for this as they describe how actors (typically entities external to the system) interact with system components. Interaction diagrams help define the interfaces and messages transmitted between components. **Use Case Layout** Each use case document is structured following a common template which includes the following elements. Revisions A link to the revision history of the document as recorded by subversion. Goal Brief description of what is intended with the use case. Summary An overview of the use case which includes the goal and major actors. Use case diagram A diagram representation of the use case, somewhat following the UML. Sequence diagram A sequence diagram that shows the operations involved in addressing the use case. Actors The participants in the use case - includes people and systems. Preconditions The conditions that must exist for the use case. For example, a particular use case may only be valid if the use has been authenticated. Triggers Describes the even that causes the use case to be initiated. Postconditions The state of the system after the use case - what conditions are true after the use case is completed. Notes Miscellaneous notes and discussion items that can't be placed in the various categories. Comments should be annotated with time and author. .. digraph uc_dependencies { fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"; fontsize = 8; edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 color = "#888888" arrowhead = "open" arrowsize = 0.5 len = 0.2 style="dashed" ]; node [ shape = "record" fontname = "Courier" fontsize = 8 fontcolor = "black"]; UC01 [label="UC01\nGet Object Identified by PID" URL="UseCases/01_uc.html"]; UC02 [label="UC02\nList PIDs By Search" URL="UseCases/02_uc.html"]; UC03 [label="UC03\nRegister MN" URL="UseCases/03_uc.html"]; UC04 [label="UC04\nCreate New Object" URL="UseCases/04_uc.html"]; UC05 [label="UC05\nUpdate Metadata" URL="UseCases/05_uc.html"]; UC06 [label="UC06\nMN Synchronize" URL="UseCases/06_uc.html"]; UC07 [label="UC07\nCN Batch Upload" URL="UseCases/07_uc.html"]; UC08 [label="UC08\nReplication Policy Communication" URL="UseCases/08_uc.html"]; UC09 [label="UC09\nReplicate MN to MN" URL="UseCases/09_uc.html"]; UC10 [label="UC10\nMN Status Reports" URL="UseCases/10_uc.html"]; UC11 [label="UC11\nCRUD Workflow Objects" URL="UseCases/11_uc.html"]; UC12 [label="UC12\nUser Authentication" URL="UseCases/12_uc.html"]; UC13 [label="UC13\nUser Authorization" URL="UseCases/13_uc.html"]; UC14 [label="UC14\nSystem Authentication and Authorization" URL="UseCases/14_uc.html"]; UC15 [label="UC15\nAccount Management" URL="UseCases/15_uc.html"]; UC16 [label="UC16\nLog CRUD Operations" URL="UseCases/16_uc.html"]; UC17 [label="UC17\nCRUD Logs Aggregated at CNs" URL="UseCases/17_uc.html"]; UC18 [label="UC18\nMN Retrieve Aggregated Logs" URL="UseCases/18_uc.html"]; UC19 [label="UC19\nRetrieve Object Download Summary" URL="UseCases/19_uc.html"]; UC20 [label="UC20\nOwner Retrieve Aggregate Logs" URL="UseCases/20_uc.html"]; UC21 [label="UC21\nOwner Subscribe to CRUD Operations" URL="UseCases/21_uc.html"]; UC22 [label="UC22\nLink/Citation Report for Owner" URL="UseCases/22_uc.html"]; UC23 [label="UC23\nOwner Expunge Content" URL="UseCases/23_uc.html"]; UC24 [label="UC24\nMNs and CNs Support Transactions" URL="UseCases/24_uc.html"]; UC25 [label="UC25\nDetect Damaged Content" URL="UseCases/25_uc.html"]; UC26 [label="UC26\nData Quality Checks" URL="UseCases/26_uc.html"]; UC27 [label="UC27\nMetadata Version Migration" URL="UseCases/27_uc.html"]; UC28 [label="UC28\nDerived Product Original Change Notification" URL="UseCases/28_uc.html"]; UC29 [label="UC29\nCN Load Balancing" URL="UseCases/29_uc.html"]; UC30 [label="UC30\nMN Outage Notification" URL="UseCases/30_uc.html"]; UC31 [label="UC31\nManage Access Policies" URL="UseCases/31_uc.html"]; UC32 [label="UC32\nTransfer Object Ownership" URL="UseCases/32_uc.html"]; UC33 [label="UC33\nSearch for Data" URL="UseCases/33_uc.html"]; UC34 [label="UC34\nCNs Support Other Discovery Mechanisms (e.g. Google)" URL="UseCases/34_uc.html"]; UC35 [label="UC35\nQuery Coordinating Node for Metadata Describing a Member Node" URL="UseCases/35_uc.html"]; UC36 [label="UC36\nResolve an Object Location" URL="UseCases/36_uc.html"]; UC37 [label="UC37\nGet System Metadata for Object" URL="UseCases/37_uc.html"]; UC38 [label="UC38\nReserve an Identifier" URL="UseCases/38_uc.html"]; UC39 [label="UC39\nTest Node APIs" URL="UseCases/39_uc.html"]; UC01 -> UC12; UC01 -> UC13; UC01 -> UC16; UC01 -> UC21; UC02 -> UC12; UC02 -> UC13; UC03 -> UC12; UC03 -> UC13; UC04 -> UC06; UC04 -> UC12; UC04 -> UC13; UC05 -> UC06; UC05 -> UC12; UC05 -> UC13; UC06 -> UC12; UC07 -> UC13; }