Data Types from SAML used in CICore ----------------------------------- .. module:: SAML :synopsis: Catalog of data types (structures) from the SAML V2.0 standard that are used by the DataONE cicore. Catalog of data types (structures) from the `SAML V2.0`_ standard that are used by the DataONE cicore. The Assertion class from SAML2 is used, with most of the SAML Attributes being represented in terms of their names as found in the `SAML V2.0 X.500/LDAP Attribute Profile`_. .. _SAML V2.0: .. _SAML V2.0 X.500/LDAP Attribute Profile: .. Note:: Here we use the Sphinx ``class`` directives to identify data structures. This is not meant to imply that these structures are implemented as classes - it is merely a convenience mechanism for documentation. ========= ============================= Version Structure ========= ============================= . :class:`Assertion` ========= ============================= ---- .. class:: Assertion An Assertion represents the set of metadata attributes about an authenticated session in DataONE. An Assertion is identified by its identifier, which can be used to retrieve the Assertion data structure that serializes metadata attributes describing the session itself, the Principal that was authenticated, and verification data such as digital signatures that can be used to verify the validity of the session data. Assertion data in DataONE are serialized as a SAML 2 Assertion, and contain particular elements from the SAML specifications. Not all SAML2 compliant elements can be used in DataONE. Instead, the following elements from SAML are used as metadata about the authenticated DataONE session. .. attribute:: ID The AuthToken identifying an authenticated session. The ID is unique and will not be reused for other sessions, and is returned as the result of a successful session authentication service call to reference the Assertion. .. attribute:: IssueInstant A date-time value in ISO 8601 format indicating when the session was created. .. attribute:: Issuer A URI of a the service that issued the Assertion. For DataONE, this will be fixed to the URI of the session management service. .. attribute:: Subject An identifier of a Principal that is the subject of this Assertion. .. attribute:: Address The Internet Protocol address from which the authenticated session was established, and from which all subsequent requests that utilize this Assertion must originate. IPv4 addresses should be represented their dotted decimal format (e.g.,, while IPv6 addresses are represented as their hex values (e.g., fe80::6232:4bfe:fe61:a211). .. attribute:: NotBefore The date-time value in ISO8601 format before which this session is invalid. .. attribute:: NotOnOrAfter The date-time value in ISO8601 format on which this session is invalid. .. attribute:: AuthenticationContextClass An indication of the mechanism used to perform authentication. Values are drawn from known context classes provided in the SAML specifications. .. attribute:: GivenName The given name of the Person, encoded as a SAML Attribute using LDAP field semantics. .. attribute:: sn The family name of the Person, encoded as a SAML Attribute using LDAP field semantics. .. attribute:: mail The email address of the Person, encoded as a SAML Attribute using LDAP field semantics. .. attribute:: isMemberOf A group or role in which the Principal is a member, expressed using the unique Principal identifier for that group, and encoded as a SAML Attribute using LDAP field semantics.. .. attribute:: SessionId The AuthToken identifying an authenticated session. The ID is unique and will not be reused for other sessions, and is returned as the result of a successful session authentication service call to reference the Assertion. Encoded as an a SAML Attribute. .. attribute:: EquivalentIdentity An alternative but equivalent identity for the principal that has been used in alternate identity systems. Encoded as a SAML Attribute with the Name of the Attribute set to 'urn:dataone:attributenames:equivalentIdentity'. :: message Assertion { required string ID = 1; required string IssueInstant = 2; required string Issuer = 3; required string Subject = 4; required string Address = 5; required string NotBefore = 6; required string NotOnOrAfter = 7; required string AuthenticationContextClass = 8; repeated string givenName = 9; required string sn = 10; required string mail = 11; repeated string isMemberOf = 12; required string sessionId = 13; repeated string equivalentIdentity = 14; }