.. _UC30: Use Case 30 - MN Outage Notification ------------------------------------ .. index:: Use Case 30, UC30, MN outage, health, notification Revisions View document revision history_. Goal MN can notify CN about pending outages, severity, and duration, and CNs may want to act on that knowledge to maintain seamless operation. Summary It is likely that Member Nodes will need to be taken offline from time to time for maintenance or other planned outages. There should be a mechanism for Member Nodes to notify Coordinating Nodes of the impending outage so that the Coordinating Nodes can adjust replication of content to ensure ongoing availability. The migration of content should be tempered with the duration of the outage and the number of existing copies of content available on other node. For short durations outages, the expense of moving the content around may not be justified. However, for lengthy outages, it would be preferable to replicate as much content as practical to ensure ongoing access. Actors - Member Node - Member Node administrator - Coordinating Nodes - Coordinating Node administrators Preconditions - Member Node is participating in the DataONE federation - Content stored on the Member Node needs to be available while offline Triggers - A Member Node needs to be taken offline Post Conditions - A decision has been made on which content to replicate from the Member Node - Content is replicated from the Member Node - Notification to the Member Node operator of replication completion is provided .. @startuml images/30_seq.png participant "State of Health API" as c_health << Coordinating Node >> participant "State of Health API" as m_health << Member Node >> m_health -> c_health: reportPendingEvent () m_health <-- c_health: ack c_health -> c_health: actOnPendingEvent (event) @enduml .. image:: images/30_seq.png *Figure 1.* Interactions for use case 30. MN can notify CN about pending outages, severity and duration, and CNs may want to act on that knowledge to maintain seamless operation. .. _history: https://redmine.dataone.org/projects/d1/repository/changes/documents/Projects/cicore/architecture/api-documentation/source/design/UseCases/30_uc.txt