.. _UC26: Use Case 26 - Data Quality Checks --------------------------------- .. index:: Use Case 26, UC26, data quality, preservation Revisions View document revision history_. Goal System performs data quality checks on data. Summary This use case is similar to :doc:`Use Case 25<25_uc>` except extends further to evaluate additional attributes of data quality. Note - if the intent of this use case is to help ensure that quality data (sensu quality for research use) exists in the DataONE system, then it may be more appropriate to evaluate the quality of content as it is being added to the system. The intent of this use case requires additional clarification. Actors - TBD Preconditions - TBD Triggers - TBD Post Conditions - TBD .. @startuml images/26_seq.png participant "CRUD API" as m_crud_a << Member Node A >> participant "Synchronization API" as c_sync << Coordinating Node >> c_sync -> m_crud_a: checkDataQuality (PID) c_sync <-- m_crud_a: result participant "CRUD API" as m_crud_b << Member Node B >> c_sync -> m_crud_b: checkDataQuality (PID) c_sync <-- m_crud_b: result @enduml .. image:: images/26_seq.png *Figure 1.* Interactions for use case 26. System performs quality checks on data **Notes** - Is this more for verifying the quality of metadata? Otherwise how does it differ from :doc:`Use Case 25<25_uc>`? .. _history: https://redmine.dataone.org/projects/d1/repository/changes/documents/Projects/cicore/architecture/api-documentation/source/design/UseCases/26_uc.txt